Cross-cutting services

U3E's cross-cutting services

U3E provides cross-cutting services that cover all its facilities (the AnaEE-F PEARL facility and the ORE DiaPFC river monitoring sites). These are a water quality monitoring laboratory, a sclerochronology department with collections of biological samples, and information systems.

Water quality monitoring laboratory

physical and chemical analyses

The water quality lab performs physical-chemical water analyses. It is equipped with a spectrophotometer, turbidimeters and a number of laboratory and field probes for routine monitoring of water pH, conductivity, O2, NH4, NO3 and PO4. The spectrophotometer measures concentrations of major ions and can be used to fulfil ad hoc requests for tests.



Sclerochronology department


The work of this department involves

  • Interpreting fish age and growth from scales collected during sampling campaigns (trapping, fishers' catches etc.)
  • Advising fishery managers on fish age interpretation and species identification
  • Managing and making available its collections of more than 100,000 individual samples, collected over a period of 30 years. These can be used for retrospective analysis of growth, genetics and isotopes.

The department is equipped with stereo microscopes and scanners.


Information systems

base de données


We use our various databases to optimise the management of data on climate, hydrology, physical chemistry, fish, etc., obtained at our different sites and from our ichthyological collections, documents, materials and activities. The databases are interconnected via reference tables. They are designed to be interoperable with other national databases.   

Modification date: 09 October 2023 | Publication date: 30 June 2015 | By: U3E experimentation unit for aquatic ecology and ecotoxicology