National centre for interpretation of migratory salmonid catches (CNICS)


Fédé pêche


Salmon, which is vulnerable in many watersheds, is subject to stringent requirements. Catch declarations have been compulsory for this species since 1987 (Order of October 16, 1996).  Sea trout populations, which are less vulnerable, are monitored for scientific purposes only, with no regulatory constraints on recreational fishing. Introduced in 1992, sea trout catch declarations are done on a voluntary basis. Details of the various declaration procedures for recreational fishing are available here.

CNICS provides various documents:

Declaration process (French version)

Annual monitoring OFB

FNPF website

Migratory fish management plan (PLAGEPOMI) 2022-2027


The CNICS' missions

  • Real-time monitoring of salmon and sea trout angling catches via tele-declarations and paper declarations from professional anglers.
  • Real-time monitoring of Total Allowable Catches (TACs), quotas set for salmon fishing by river. When these quotas are reached, a temporary or definitive closure of fishing can be applied by prefectoral decree.
  • Biological characterization of catches, with data on fish size, weight or age by sampling scales and sex, based on the DNA found on the scales (salmon since 2018 and sea trout (Adour only) since 2023. Weekly reports to governmental managers and partners distributio

We publish annual catch reports for salmon and sea trout. These reports are based on fishermen's catch declarations, scale readings and other data analyzed and produced by CNICS. Some examples below (French versions) :


2020 Atlantic salmon and sea trout catch results

2021 Atlantic salmon and sea trout catch results

2022 Atlantic salmon and sea trout catch results



65 rue de Saint-Brieuc
CS 84215
35042 Rennes Cedex

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pêcheur à la ligne

Modification date: 12 June 2024 | Publication date: 11 December 2015 | By: U3E unité expérimentale écologie et écotoxicologie aqatique